Oooweee there is so much to unpack in this question, “would you like you, if you met you?”!!

It’s such a cool invitation on its own, but I like it even more if we dig deeper. If we allow ourselves to first sit with, understand, honor, love whats here for us and who we’ve been, and hold that part of us FIRST. THEN go about evolving, so that we aren’t running from parts of ourselves + instead expanding into more of ourselves. So, let’s go deeper…

Q. What lens/perspective are you viewing yourself from when deciding if you like you? Is it a perspective that you’re choosing? What would your kindest, highest self perspective think?

Q. If you don’t like what you see, what do you do next? Are you kind or do you beat yourself up + deny this part of you that isn’t as “desirable”? What if this aspect of you (that isn’t what you like) is a protective part of you that simply needs compassion + love?

Q. What would change if you loved yourself as you are? What would you need to do TO love yourself as you are?

NOW, back to our original question…

Q. What would you expand into to bring MORE of you into view? How can you hold what are already are that is brilliant + choose to add to it, not replace it? What would you evolve to be someone you genuinely liked?

I have found the more I make parts of me wrong, bad, unlovable, the more I get stuck in self-hierarchy which leads to inauthenticity + self-abandonment.

When I can sit with all of me. Be with the wounded parts. The raging parts. The selfish parts. The “worst” parts, I actually can start to be kinder to me. Embracing more me. Being more me. I have more authentic options to choose from. To hold my “ugly” parts without trying to destroy them allows me to be more alive, more present, more with me + others. It’s a journey. For real. This work is NOT for the faint of heart. Definitely find a support group or person who knows how to hold this space.

Less unadulterated self-hierarchy + self-selection.

More expanded, integrated self.


LYOL [live your own life]
