This post is for those times when we are in a situation where it feels like there is no way out. When we are tired, overworked, overwhelmed, confused, lost, stuck, unsure, disappointed, at a dead end, done all we could, ready to give up…you get what I’m saying. When you have reached that point + you have allowed yourself to really be there (because bypassing will just delay the experience + not really make it go away), then take a deep breath + remember: we have millions and millions of moments to play with each day. To have a do-over. To re-write defaults. To get a second chance. Nothing is forever, unless I choose it to be. I am fluid and agile, if I choose to be.
Every second, every millisecond is an opportunity to try again. To do it differently. To do it the same. To do it “right”. To do it “wrong”. To see what works for me. To see what doesn’t. To gather more information about who I am and what I want to do about it.
Maybe it seems obvious to point out. Sometimes it is. But sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes it can be easy to forget how much insight and dreams and magic and opportunity and potential are stored in just one little second. A lifetime of learning and second chances, stored in every single second. If I allow myself to explore it.
Each moment offers a little slice of data to better understand the experience of being humxn. To better understand my experience. My way. My truth. My desires. My triggers. To get it “right”. To make mistakes. To change my mind. To say, “Oops!” and try again.
-Are you ready to move forward or do you need to stay here even longer? What do you choose today?
-If you had a complete do-over, what would you do? Can you do that now?
-Look to your right + the first thing you see, try on the perspective of that thing - what would they/it say about this situation? What do you want to do with that?
-What is it time for right now?
We all get millions and trillions of chances to live life just the way we want every single day, hour, minute, second, moment. It’s pretty cool. And when it didn’t go the way we wanted, we immediately get another moment to try again. And then again, right now. And now. Again and again.
It is all a big, magical experiment, why not give yourself another chance?